
The data in the table below is a snapshot of all equipment being worn by each goalie as of the last game they played in the 2011-12 NHL season (including playoffs). Be sure to check out the current NHL PadsTracker table for the 2016-17 season, along with all of the past season templates. Content you will only find here at the Goalie Archive! If you have questions or need additional information, contact mash@thegoaliearchive.com.

ANHHILLER tempKoho 588Koho 588Koho 588KohoTornado EVO 1
ANHELLIS tempKoho 588Koho 588Koho 588Bauer SupremePro's Choice
ANHDESLAURIERS tempReebok Premier 4Reebok Premier 4Reebok Premier 4Reebok 11KBauer Pro 961
ANHTARKKI tempReebok Premier 4Reebok X-PulseReebok X-PulseReebok 11KBauer Pro 961
BOSTHOMAS tempWarrior RitualPiku CustomPiku CustomWarrior SwaggerSportmask Mage
BOSRASK tempVaughn V4 VintageVaughn Epic 8800Vaughn V4 7700Warrior SwaggerPro's Choice
BOSTURCO tempReebok Premier 4Vaughn V5 Vaughn V5 7800Reebok 11KWarwick
BOSKHUDOBIN tempVaughn V5 VintageVaughn V5 VintageVaughn V5 VintageSher-WoodPro's Choice
BUFMILLER temp Reebok LarcenyReebok P4 600 (Larceny)Reebok P4 (Larceny)Reebok 11KWarwick "Miller"
BUFENROTH tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KBauer Pro 961
BUFMACINTYRE tempBauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer Supreme One95Bauer 960
CGYKIPRUSOFF tempBauer X:60 (RX10)Bauer Custom (RX10)Bauer X:60 (RX10)Warrior SwaggerItech Pro 961 SE
CGYKARLSSON tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KProtechsport
CGYIRVING tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KBauer Pro 961
CARWARD tempVaughn V5 7800Vaughn EpicVaughn Epic Bauer ReflexSportmask
CARBOUCHER tempVaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 7900Vaughn V4Warrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
CARMURPHY tempVaughn V4 7900Koho 588Koho 588Reebok PremierSportmask
CARPETERS tempBauer X:60 (Reflex)Bauer Reflex 10Reebok P3Bauer SupremeBauer Pro's Choice
CHICRAWFORD temp Reebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok PremierBauer Pro 961
CHIEMERY tempBrian's Focus "Razor"Brian's Focus "Razor"Brian's Pro Stock "Razor"Warrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
COLVARLAMOV tempReebok LarcenyReebok P4Reebok LarcenyReebok 11KBauer Pro 961
COLGIGUERE tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KProtechsport
CBJMASON tempVaughn V5 7800Vaughn V5 7800Vaughn V5 7800Bauer SupremePro's Choice
CBJSANFORD temp ALTReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KDillon
CBJDEKANICH tempVaughn V4 7900Vaughn V3 7700Vaughn V5 7900Vaughn 7500Bauer Pro 961
CBJYORK tempVaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn 7500Bauer Pro 961
CBJHUNWICK tempBrian's FocusVaughn V3 7500 (T5500)Brian's FocusBauer Supreme 7500Warwick
DALLEHTONEN tempVaughn V4 7600Vaughn V5 (V2)Vaughn V4 7600Reebok 11KBauer Pro 961
DALRAYCROFT tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok PremierBauer Pro 961
DALBACHMAN tempBauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer Supreme 7500Bauer Pro 961
DETHOWARD tempVaughn IcebergsVaughn Iceberg Vaughn IcebergWarrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
DETCONKLIN temp Warrior RitualWarrior RitualWarrior RitualWarrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
DETMACDONALD temp Vaughn VintageVaughn VintageVaughn VintageVaughnBauer Pro 961
EDMKHABIBULIN tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4TorspoPro's Choice
EDMDUBNYK tempBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer SupremeBauer Pro 961
EDMDANIS tempReebok P4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KBauer Pro 961
FLATHEODORE temp Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 (Vision)Vaughn V4 7600Bauer Supreme One95Bauer Pro 961
FLAMARKSTROM tempBauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer Supreme One95Bauer Pro 961
FLACLEMMENSEN tempWarrior RitualWarrior RitualWarrior RitualWarrior SwaggerWarwick
FLAFOSTER tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Bauer X60Warwick
LAKQUICK temp ALTVaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4Warrior SwaggerSportmask
LAKBERNIER temp ALT Reebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KBauer Pro 961
MINBACKSTROM temp Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn V3Vaughn V4 7700Warrior SwaggerWall W-10
MINHARDING temp Vaughn Velocity 7900Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn Velocity 7900Warrior SwaggerBauer 961
MINHACKETT tempVaughn V4 VintageVaughn VisionVaughn V4 7600Vaughn 7500Bauer 961
MTLPRICE temp PinkReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KBauer Pro 9601
MTLBUDAJ tempBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer Supreme One95Pro's Choice
NSHRINNE tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Warrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
NSHLINDBACK tempBauer TotalOneReebok P4Bauer One-100Bauer Supreme One95Bauer Pro 961
NJDBRODEUR temp Sher-Wood MB30Sher-Wood MB30Sher-Wood MB30Sher-WoodProtechsport
NJDHEDBERG temp Bauer X:60 (Reflex 10)Bauer ReflexBauer ReflexBauer ReflexBauer Pro 961
NYIDIPIETRO temp Warrior RitualWarrior RitualWarrior RitualWarrior Swagger Bauer Pro 9601
NYINABOKOV tempVaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 7600Reebok 11KWarwick
NYIMONTOYA tempReebok RevokeReebok RevokeReebok RevokeReebok 11KWarwick
NYINILSSON tempBauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer Supreme One95NME9
NYIPOULIN tempReebok Premier 4Reebok RevokeReebok P4Reebok 11KBauer Pro 961
NYRLUNDQVIST temp WCBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer Pro 961
NYRBIRON temp WC Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer SupremeBauer Pro 961
OTTANDERSON tempSher-Wood R-12Sher-Wood R-12Sher-Wood R-12Sherwood Dillon
OTTAULD tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KProtechsport
OTTLEHNER tempVaughn V4 7900Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn V5 7800Sher-WoodVaughn Pro's Choice
OTTBISHOP tempReebok Premier 4Reebok RevokeReebok P4Reebok 11KEddy
PHIBRYZGALOV temp WC Vaughn V4 7600 Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 7600Bauer TotalOneBauer Pro 961
PHIBOBROVSKY temp Reebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Warrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
PHXSMITH tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok PremierPro's Choice
PHXLABARBERA temp Vaughn V4 VintageReebok P4Reebok P4Sher-WoodBauer Pro 961
PHXMCELHINNEY temp Sher-Wood T100Sher-Wood T100Sher-Wood T100Sher-WoodBauer Pro 961
PITFLEURY #1 #2 Reebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KItech Pro 961 SE
PITJOHNSON tempBauer Reflex RX10Bauer ReflexBauer ReflexBauer Supreme 7500Bauer Pro 961
PITTHIESSEN tempBauer RX-10Bauer ReflexBauer ReflexBauer SupremeBauer Pro 961
SJSGREISS tempVaughn V5 7800Vaughn Vision 9500Vaughn V4Vaughn 7500Bauer Pro 961
SJSNIEMI tempVaughn V4 7600Vaughn Vision 9500Vaughn Vision 9500Vaughn 7500Bauer Pro 961
SJSSATERI tempBauer One100Bauer One100Bauer One100Warrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
STLALLEN tempVaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 7600Vaughn V5 7800Reebok 11kBauer Pro 961
STLHALAK temp ALTBrian's Pro-StockBrian's Sub-ZeroBrian's Sub-ZeroSher-WoodWarwick Custom
STLELLIOTT temp Bauer Reflex RX10Bauer RX10Bauer RX10Bauer SupremePro's Choice
TBLROLOSON temp Warrior MessiahVaughn V4 5500Warrior MessiahRebellionPromasque XDK
TBLGARON tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KProTech Sport
TBLTOKARSKI tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11K
TBLCARON tempReebok RevokeReebok RevokeReebok RevokeReebok 11K
TORGUSTAVSSON tempWarrior RitualWarrior RitualWarrior RitualWarrior SwaggerReebok Promask
TORREIMER temp Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer SupremeBauer NME-9
TORSCRIVENS temp Vaughn V4 SwirlVaughn V5 (Epic)Vaughn V5 7800Bauer Supreme 7500Bauer Pro 961
TORRYNNAS temp Bauer One-100Bauer One-100Bauer One-100
VANLUONGO tempReebok Premier 4Reebok P4Reebok P4Reebok 11KProtechsport
VANSCHNEIDER tempVaughn V5 7800Reebok P4Reebok P4Warrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
WSHVOKOUN tempBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer TotalOneBauer ReflexBauer Pro 961
WSHNEUVIRTH tempVaughn V5 7800Vaughn V5 7800Vaughn V5 7800Bauer Supreme 7500Bauer Pro 961
WSHHOLTBY tempReebok LarcenyReebok P4Reebok P4Warrior SwaggerBauer Pro 961
WPGPAVELEC tempVaughn V4 7600Vaughn V4 (V2)Vaughn V3 7500CombatBauer Pro 961
WPGMASON temp Brian's Sub ZeroBrian's Sub ZeroBrian's Sub ZeroSher-WoodSportmask
WPGMANNINO temp Brian's Sub ZeroBrian's Sub ZeroBrian's Sub ZeroSher-WoodProtechsport